5 element acupuncture

Water Element and Fear

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We can sometimes feel confident that we can take Opportunities or Ideas and run with them right away. Other times we may well hesitate and ponder over the risks.

In Chinese Medicine, the Water Element is related to fear and safety. Some people are fearless and climb mountains or fight fires. Others are fearful of leaving the house or speaking in public. A normal person will have a rational level of fear. They will avoid fires, steep drops and poisonous or dangerous animals.

Everyone is on this spectrum from fearful to fearless.

We are constantly assessing the risk in different situations. Sometimes we will ask the question "Is it worth the risk?" As some Opportunities and Ideas can involve a certain amount of risk. If we are sensible we can take steps to mitigate these risks.

You might ask "Is this something that can change my entire life?" As we receive those opportunities or ideas we may feel conflicted about whether we should take the opportunities or not. We may well decide to play safe in our job or life. This is in opposition to the part of you that wants to take the risk and really change your life.

NLP has a method called parts integration that brings the conflicting parts of you that are stopping you to move forward in a particular situation into unity. This will allow you to move forward without conflict.

In TCM and Five-element acupuncture we can help normalise the fear by treating the Water Element

Scrambling through a stream in the Lake District

The Seasons in Chinese Medicine

The Wood Element

The Wood Element

Spring Time and the Wood Element

Spring is a time for new beginnings when you should rise with the sun and take brisk walks (Pitchford, 2002.) Chinese Medicine evolved thousands of years ago in an agrarian society where people lived much closer to nature. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be used to explain how our internal environment reacts to the changing seasons. In Chinese Medicine Spring is the time of the Wood Element. Ideally the flow of energy is smooth like a flowing river. An example of this can be seen in the flowing movements of Taiji and Qigong. It’s energies are upwards and outwards. Imagine a newly growing plant. It pushes against boundaries like the earth in order to get sunlight. The buds, shoots and leaves are growing and expanding. People also start life with a plan to fulfil their capabilities and direction. They may encounter obstacles and frustrations along the way. The state of the Wood energy within them will determine whether they bend or break in the face of adversity. If it is good then they will be able to grow and flourish. If it is not then they may become stuck (Hicks et al, 2004). Spring is the season for the Liver and Gall Bladder. We naturally eat less, perhaps even fast to detoxify the body and the fats and heavy foods we have consumed over Winter. Ideal foods for this time of year are young plants, fresh greens, sprouts and immature wheat or other cereal grasses (Pitchford, 2002..)


Summer Time and the Fire Element

There are five elements in Chinese Medicine: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Five element acupuncturists use this system to determine which element in a person requires most support. Working on that element helps to bring balance to the person. The Fire Element in Chinese Medicine relates to Summer, to heat, to the colour red, to laughing and to joy. The Sun is the Fire Element in nature. The following meridians are all related to the Fire Element: Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Burner.  The Spirit of the Heart is called the Shen. The Shen can be seen in the sparkle in a persons eyes.

On a physical level the Fire Element relates to a persons sensitivity to hot and cold. On an emotional level it relates to joy. Communication with others is how it manifests. When the Fire Element is in balance we can communicate freely and effectively with others. We will laugh and smile at appropriate moments. We will be able to recall pleasurable moments. When Fire is in excess we may become over exuberant, we may laugh at inappropriate moments.  Manic behaviour can harm the Fire Element. When the Fire Element is deficient we may be discouraged from human contact. We may not be able to join in the joy of a group and may feel isolated. When Fire is deficient people may display joy but it will lack warmth and not feel genuine. Lack of human contact can be detrimental to the Fire Element.

In Summer you should use plenty of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. Light cooking is in order, steaming and boiling. You may decide to add spice or pungent flavours. Fruits to cool Summer Heat include apples, lemons and limes (Pitchford, 2002). Salads, sprouts and cucumber are suitable for picnics alongside herbal teas.



Harvest Time and Earth Element


In Europe in the middle ages there was a tradition of crop rotation which helps to reduce crop specific pests (RHS, 2015). Fields would be left fallow, i.e. uncultivated every few years. Animal and plant compost would be used to nourish the earth. Hedgerows that separated fields shaped the landscape and were places where animals thrived. In modern times this tradition has disappeared. Large scale harvesting is more common and chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used to produce the largest crop. However this system doesn't nourish the soil and yields may reduce.

Earth Element in Life

On a physical level we are what we make of what we eat. The Earth state of the earth can range from dry like a desert or damp like a soggy field suited to planting rice. On a physical level if we are suffering from "Damp" our digestion will be sluggish and we will be reluctant to move. On a mental level if our Earth element is strong we should be able to reap a harvest in our life (Hicks et al, 2004). If it is not our thoughts will circle endlessly and we may suffer from dissatisfaction. In Chinese Medicine humans are pictured as having their head in the heavens, where they can take in the Qi, and their feet on the earth, where they feel grounded and steady. Earthquakes like the recent one in Nepal lead to feelings of shock and instability.


To attune to late Summer it’s best to pick foods for every meal that harmonize. These include millet, carrots, corn ,cabbage, beans and sweat potatoes (Pitchford, 2002)


Autumn and the Metal Element

In Chinese Medicine the character for Metal (Jin) 金 represents something precious deep in the earth. It includes the character for Earth (see below). The Metal character has a sloping roof on top, representing something covered over. You could imagine it as a mine with nuggets of gold buried deep within the earth. Metal can be thought of like minerals in the body. Small but essential. In the body the Metal Element consists of the Lungs and Large Intestine. The Lungs take in air. In Chinese Medicine they take in the Qi from the Heavens. Exercises such as Qigong can help us to breath more deeply. Breathing meditations can be used as a tool to calm the mind. In dynamic meditation breathing can be used to trigger the emotions in order to express them and to get free and more detached from them (Osho, 1989). The Large Intestine lets go of waste material. On a more emotional level it's important to be able to freely accept gifts and compliments. To appreciate beauty in the world. It's also important to let go of things we no longer need. The Dhammapada (sayings of the Buddha) states "For see how the Jasmine flower releases and lets fall its withered flowers." So we must release the parts of us that no longer serve us rather than clinging to them. In Autumnal months the weather starts to get chilly and we would be wise to dress more warmly than the summer months. Summer salads should give way to more nourishing and warming foods such as soups and roasted vegetables. We should choose more astringent as well as heartier flavours and foods (Pitchford, 2002). Sourdough bread, sauerkraut, leaks, aduki beans sour apples and rose hip tea suit this season.

Gill Scrambling in Winter

Gill Scrambling in Winter

Winter and the Water Element

There are five elements in Chinese Medicine: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Five element acupuncturists use this system to determine which element in a person requires most support. Working on that element helps to bring balance to the person. The Water Element in Chinese Medicine relates to Winter, to cold, to the colour blue/black, to groaning and to fear (Hicks et al, 2004). Water is the most yin of all elements. It takes the shape of it's container such as a reservoir or a river bed. The Bladder and Kidney meridians are related to the Water Element. The Spirit of the Kidneys is called the Zhi. It gives us the drive and motivation to get things done.

On a physical level the excess and deficiency of the Water Element can cause problems. This can be seen in floods and drought. Water controls Fire. A fireman will use water to put out a fire. The power of Water is storage. Animals store food so the can hibernate over Winter. On an emotional level the Water Element relates to fear. Our response to fearful stimuli is how it manifests. When the Water Element is in balance we can use our fear to avoid dangerous situations like predators, cliff edges and fire. Such a person should be able to respond positively to reassurance. A lack of fear may lead us to engage in extreme sports. An excess of fear may lead to agitation of the mind body and spirit.


In terms of diet Winter is a good time for salty and bitter foods which aid the bodies capacity for storage. Examples of bitter foods are oats, rye, carrot top and quinoa. Seaweed, millet and barley are salty foods. It is advisable to avoid salads at this time of year as they are cooling in nature (Pitchford, 2002)..


Hicks, Hicks and Mole, 2004, Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone, London

Osho, 1989, The Everyday Meditator A Practical Guide, Labyrinth Publishing (UK) Ltd, London

Pitchford, 2002, Healing with Whole Foods Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley

Weiger L 1965 Chinese characters. New York: Dover

Autumn and the Metal Element in Chinese Medicine

The Metal Element


In Chinese Medicine the character for Metal (Jin) 金 represents something precious deep in the earth. It includes the character for Earth (see below). The Metal character has a sloping roof on top, representing something covered over. You could imagine it as a mine with nuggets of gold buried deep within the earth. Metal can be thought of like minerals in the body. Small but essential. In the body the Metal Element consists of the Lungs and Large Intestine. The Lungs take in air. In Chinese Medicine they take in the Qi from the Heavens. Exercises such as Qigong can help us to breath more deeply. Breathing meditations can be used as a tool to calm the mind. In dynamic meditation breathing can be used to trigger the emotions in order to express them and to get free and more detached from them (Osho, 1989). The Large Intestine lets go of waste material. On a more emotional level it's important to be able to freely accept gifts and compliments. To appreciate beauty in the world. It's also important to let go of things we no longer need. The Dhammapada (sayings of the Buddha) states "For see how the Jasmine flower releases and lets fall its withered flowers." So we must release the parts of us that no longer serve us rather than clinging to them. In Autumnal months the weather starts to get chilly and we would be wise to dress more warmly than the summer months. Summer salads should give way to more nourishing and warming foods such as soups and roasted vegetables. We should choose more astringent as well as heartier flavours and foods (Pitchford, 1993). Sourdough bread, sauerkraut, leaks, aduki beans sour apples and rose hip tea suit this season.



Making space for ourselves

Autumn is the Season of the Metal Element. Trees freely let dead leaves fall to the ground. Similarly we should let go of people and objects that no longer serve us. I have been giving some books to charity. I am culling my Facebook friends list of people I no longer need and ofpeople I have been clinging onto. Now is the time to sever those connections. By clearing away these things we make space for ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally.




Autumn is also a great time to go foraging for nuts and berries. It is vital to avoid damaging wildlife habitats or rare species, so check you are allowed to forage in the area before starting to pick (Countryfile). Hazelnuts, apples, blackberries, hawthorn, blackthorn, rowan, sloe berries, bilberry, sweet chestnut, beach nut, raspberries, wild strawberries, giant puffball, chicken of the woods, rosehips and elderberries can be foraged this time of year. Some of them can be eaten raw. Others can be used to make jams, wines and autumnal treats such as scones and crumbles (the Guardian). Sloe berries can be used to make Sloe Gin. A pair of scissors, a good pocket knife and a reusable shopping bag or other container is all that is needed (andhereweare.net).


Hicks, Hicks and Mole, 2004, Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone, London

Osho, 1989, The Everyday Meditator A Practical Guide, Labyrinth Publishing (UK) Ltd, London

Pitchford, 2002, Healing with Whole Foods Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley

https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/sep/19/beginners-guide-to-autumn-foraging - accessed 07/09/2018

https://andhereweare.net/top-10-things-to-forage-in-autumn/ - accessed 07/09/2018

http://www.countryfile.com/countryside/top-10-foods-forage-september - accessed 07/09/2018

Healing the Earth Element

The Character for the Earth

The Character for the Earth


The Chinese Character for the Earth is tu (Weiger, 1965). The horizontal lines represent the soil and subsoil. The vertical line represents anything that grows from the earth. Seeds are planted in the earth in Spring. The season of the Earth Element is late Summer when the fields and harvested.  

Harvest Time

Harvest Time


In Europe in the middle ages there was a tradition of crop rotation which helps to reduce crop specific pests (RHS, 2015). Fields would be left fallow, i.e. uncultivated every few years. Animal and plant compost would be used to nourish the earth. Hedgerows that separated fields shaped the landscape and were places where animals thrived. In modern times this tradition has disappeared. Large scale harvesting is more common and chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used to produce the largest crop. However this system doesn't nourish the soil and yields may reduce.

Earth Element in Life

On a physical level we are what we make of what we eat. The Earth state of the earth can range from dry like a desert or damp like a soggy field suited to planting rice. On a physical level if we are suffering from "Damp" our digestion will be sluggish and we will be reluctant to move. On a mental level if our Earth element is strong we should be able to reap a harvest in our life (Hicks et al, 2004). If it is not our thoughts will circle endlessly and we may suffer from dissatisfaction. In Chinese Medicine humans are pictured as having their head in the heavens, where they can take in the Qi, and their feet on the earth, where they feel grounded and steady. Earthquakes like the recent one in Nepal lead to feelings of shock and instability.

Healing the Earth Element

To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Earth Element Healing from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the picture below:

Lyme Park

Lyme Park




Hicks, Hicks and Mole, 2004, Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone

RHS - https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?PID=124

Weiger L 1965 Chinese characters. New York: Dover

Healing the Fire Element

The Fire Element

Chinese Character for Fire

Chinese Character for Fire

In Chinese Medicine Summer is the season of the Fire Element. Fire is hot, bright and lively. Sitting by a fire or being out on a hot Summer's day can bring us comfort and warmth. The colour red, laughing and joy are associated with the Fire Element. Heart felt communication, love and relationships are issues that test our Fire Element. If it is strong then these will be easy for us. We may be over or under active Fire Element. An overactive Fire Element lead to clowning about and opening up inappropriately. This might be considered manic behaviour. An under active Fire Element might lead to isolation and being emotionally closed off.

Healing the Fire Element

To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Fire Element Healing from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the picture below.


Harvest Festival Healing

Harvest Festival is a time when the crops have been gathered and people come together to celebrate the bountiful time. In terms of Chinese Medicine this time could be regarded as the time of the Earth element. It is a time when the harvesting of grains and fruits is taking place.


Above is an image representing the Shen cycle. This is a generative cycle. Each element feeds into the next.

The Chinese character for Earth is tu. The top horizontal line is the surface soil and the lower line earth below that. The vertical line represents plants that grow in the soil that are produced by the Earth.

The Chinese character for Earth is tu. The top horizontal line is the surface soil and the lower line earth below that. The vertical line represents plants that grow in the soil that are produced by the Earth.

Try out my free healing. To call it in just state your intention to receive the Harvest Festival Healing from Geoff. Use the picture to imagine a field full of corn. The corn is ripe and ready for eating.
